We create viral content for your blog
Content is the heart of digital marketing. Great content grows engagement on your social media channels, drives traffic to your website (and make them stay for longer) and helps in SEO. Sociofied’s team consists of experienced bloggers, published authors, journalists and other media personalities who can weave magic with words and create content that goes viral on social media.

Content for Website
You can have a good-looking website with fancy design and technical SEO in place, but only content can make it great. Before we write content for your website, we get to the bottom of what you do to understand what kind of information your website visitors seek. We conduct a thorough keyword research to write content in such a way that your website comes up at the top of search results

Content for Blog
Having an active blog has now become a must for companies. You may not be able to add fresh content to your website on a daily basis but you can easily keep your blog up-to-date. We understand that customers don’t like reading blog posts that directly sells to them instead they want to engage in a blog that has a neutral and unbiased tone.

E-mail Marketing
Get your content right to people’s inbox with email marketing campaigns. Sending monthly newsletters and email alerts helps build and strengthen the relationship between you and your customers. We use the best platforms to create email campaigns that click with people. Sociofied’s experts deeply analyze the result of every email campaign to design an even better one for future.
How much does a content marketing and email campaign cost?
The cost of content writing for your website and blog depends on quantity of content – we never comprise on on the quality. Our content marketing package starts from only $400 and can go up to $7000 depending on what you need.

Why Content is King in SEO?
To earn trust of your customers you have to solve their problem, give them information that they are thirsty for. Brand promotion and selling has to be done in a subtle manner. Sociofied’s writers understand the psyche of your customers. They write blogs by creating ‘personas’ of your target audience so that the end content resonates with readers. If your content can strike a chord with your readers on social media then you have the superhit recipe of making viral blogs.